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Historical Reconciliation



日本学術振興会: 科学研究費助成金

研究期間: 2019年4月 - 2022年3月   


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東北アジア歴史財団(韓国): 日本の歴史問題と外交政策研究

研究期間: 2018年4月 - 2019年3月 

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2018年12月 韓国・東北アジア歴史財団 歴史認識と外交政策セミナー   最終報告会 

「『2つのコリア』と日本の歴史認識問題:政治的リーダーシップと国際情勢から見た『日韓共同宣言』と『日朝平壌宣言』」(韓国語)pp.165-216      [依頼有り]


高麗大学校グローバル日本研究院『日本研究』(KCI: Korea Citation Index 掲載誌)第31巻 pp.265-302   2019年2月   [査読有り]


 また金大中政権の南北融和政策、北朝鮮の対米脅威認識、国内経済改革が、従来の日朝関係で存在していた利害認識の懸隔を縮小させた。「南北バランス論」を日本に要求した前政権とは異なり、金大中政権は日本に積極的な日朝交渉を促し、日本外交の対北政策空間を拡張させた。北朝鮮は同時多発テロ事件以降、Weapons of Mass Destructionを保有する敵国への先制攻撃を正当化した米政権に脅威認識を抱き、大規模経済改革により迅速かつ大規模な外資導入が不可欠であった。その結果、日朝は「先国交正常化、後拉致問題」の従来型アプローチから、歴史や拉致等の諸懸案を内包する「包括的妥結」アプローチで合意に至り、経済協力方式による宣言が導出された。 



 ​研究キーワード・Research Keywords

Analysis of Factors to Promote Historical Reconciliation between Japan and Korean Peninsula after the Cold War 

 This paper analyzes post-cold-war diplomatic changes in East Asia as historical reconciliation made progress among the governments through the “Japan–South Korea Joint Declaration of 1998” and the “Japan–North Korea Pyongyang Declaration”. These two declarations were turning-points in settling outstanding issues related to past unfortunate events between Japan and the Korean peninsula. Japan and South Korea adopted the former declaration as both countries recognized the necessity of, and benefits from, strategic cooperation to promote Regionalism in East Asia. The Kim Dae-jung administration required financial support from Japan to proceed with Sunshine Policy (South Korea policy of engagement with North Korea) and to deal with the Asian Financial Crisis. Japan, meanwhile, made progress with the “1997 Guidelines” and with legislation dealing with military emergencies in event of a Korean crisis; building trilateral security cooperation was an important factor among Japan, South Korea, and the U.S., but was felt especially to enhance the Japan-U.S. alliance. Prime minister Obuchi’s expression of remorse and heartfelt apology for Japan’s colonial rule, and clear naming of the South Korea state in a diplomatic statement for the first time, were instrumental in advancing the process of historical reconciliation.  

 On the North Korea side, the Sunshine Policy of appeasement, increased perception of a U.S. threat, and domestic economic reforms became factors in closing the gap in mutual interests that existed in Japan-North Korea relations. The Kim Dae-jung administration assisted Japanese diplomacy to have proactive negotiations with North Korea, a far departure from previous administrations which demanded the “South-North balance theory” for Japan. After 9.11, North Korea recognized a higher threat of aggression from the U.S., which now justified pre-emptive attacks on enemy countries holding weapons of mass destruction. Also, North Korea needed a massive foreign capital inflow quickly, to reform its economics on a large scale. These factors contributed to North Korea’s entrance into the later declaration, using a method of economic cooperation between Japan and North Korea. Rather than employing the traditional approach of “diplomatic normalization first, the abduction issue last,” the two chose an approach of “comprehensive conclusion,” which included historical issues in its context. 

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